
usage: denoise [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-o OUTPUT] [--suffix SUFFIX]
               [--format FORMAT_] [--normalize] [--stack]
               [--save-prefix SAVE_PREFIX] [-m MODEL [MODEL ...]]
               [-a DIR_A [DIR_A ...]] [-b DIR_B [DIR_B ...]] [--hdf HDF]
               [--preload] [--holdout HOLDOUT] [--lowpass LOWPASS]
               [--gaussian GAUSSIAN] [--inv-gaussian INV_GAUSSIAN]
               [--deconvolve] [--deconv-patch DECONV_PATCH]
               [--pixel-cutoff PIXEL_CUTOFF] [-s PATCH_SIZE]
               [-p PATCH_PADDING] [--method {noise2noise,masked}]
               [--arch {unet,unet-small,unet2,unet3,fcnet,fcnet2,affine}]
               [--optim {adam,adagrad,sgd}] [--lr LR] [--criteria {L0,L1,L2}]
               [-c CROP] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS]
               [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS] [-j NUM_THREADS]
               [micrographs ...]

Positional Arguments


micrographs to denoise

Named Arguments

-d, --device

which device to use, set to -1 to force CPU (default: 0)

Default: 0

-o, --output

directory to save denoised micrographs


add this suffix to each output file name. if no output directory is specified, denoised micrographs are written to the same location as the input with a default suffix of “.denoised” (default: none)

Default: “”


output format for the images (default: mrc)

Default: “mrc”


normalize the micrographs

Default: False


denoise a MRC stack rather than list of micorgraphs

Default: False


path prefix to save denoising model

-m, --model

use pretrained denoising model(s). can accept arguments for multiple models the outputs of which will be averaged. pretrained model options are: unet, unet-small, fcnn, affine. to use older unet version specify unet-v0.2.1 (default: unet)

Default: [‘unet’]

-a, --dir-a

directory of training images part A

-b, --dir-b

directory of training images part B


path to HDF5 file containing training image stack as an alternative to dirA/dirB


preload micrographs into RAM

Default: False


fraction of training micrograph pairs to holdout for validation (default: 0.1)

Default: 0.1


lowpass filter micrographs by this amount (in pixels) before applying the denoising filter. uses a hard lowpass filter (i.e. sinc) (default: no lowpass filtering)

Default: 1


Gaussian filter micrographs with this standard deviation (in pixels) before applying the denoising filter (default: 0)

Default: 0


Inverse Gaussian filter micrographs with this standard deviation (in pixels) before applying the denoising filter (default: 0)

Default: 0


apply optimal Gaussian deconvolution filter to each micrograph before denoising

Default: False


apply spatial covariance correction to micrograph to this many patches (default: 1)

Default: 1


set pixels >= this number of standard deviations away from the mean to the mean. only used when set > 0 (default: 0)

Default: 0

-s, --patch-size

denoises micrographs in patches of this size. not used if < 1 (default: 1024)

Default: 1024

-p, --patch-padding

padding around each patch to remove edge artifacts (default: 500)

Default: 500


Possible choices: noise2noise, masked

denoising training method (default: noise2noise)

Default: “noise2noise”


Possible choices: unet, unet-small, unet2, unet3, fcnet, fcnet2, affine

denoising model architecture (default: unet)

Default: “unet”


Possible choices: adam, adagrad, sgd

optimizer (default: adagrad)

Default: “adagrad”


learning rate for the optimizer (default: 0.001)

Default: 0.001


Possible choices: L0, L1, L2

training criteria (default: L2)

Default: “L2”

-c, --crop

training crop size (default: 800)

Default: 800


training batch size (default: 4)

Default: 4


number of training epochs (default: 100)

Default: 100


number of threads to use for loading data during training (default: 16)

Default: 16

-j, --num-threads

number of threads for pytorch, 0 uses pytorch defaults, <0 uses all cores (default: 0)

Default: 0